
How to Dry Apples in Air Fryer

Slices of red and green apples arranged on an air fryer tray, with warm air gently drying them to perfection.

Have you ever wished you could enjoy the sweet and tangy taste of dried apples all year round? Well, with the help of your trusty air fryer, now you can!

Imagine the convenience of having a healthy and delicious snack right at your fingertips, whenever you crave it.

In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps of drying apples in an air fryer, so you can savor the taste of fall any time you want.

Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right apples is important for optimal results in drying apples.
  • Preparing the air fryer by preheating it, cleaning it, and using parchment paper or a silicone mat to prevent sticking.
  • Seasoning the apples with various flavors like cinnamon and sugar, nutmeg and cloves, or lemon juice.
  • Flipping and rotating the apples during the drying process to ensure even drying and prevent browning.

Choosing the Right Apples

To ensure optimal results, you should choose apples that are firm and slightly tart, as they’ll retain their shape and flavor when dried in the air fryer.

When it comes to apple varieties for baking, some of the best options include Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, and Jonathan. These varieties have a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness, which makes them ideal for drying.

Additionally, if you want to preserve your apples for a longer time, you can consider canning them. Canning is a great method for preserving apples as it locks in their freshness and flavor.

By canning your apples, you can enjoy their delicious taste even when they’re out of season.

Washing and Slicing the Apples

After choosing the right apples for drying in the air fryer, the next step is to wash and slice them.

When it comes to apple varieties, you have a wide range to choose from. Some popular options include Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, and Fuji apples. Each variety has its own unique flavor and texture, so feel free to experiment and find your favorite.

When washing the apples, make sure to remove any dirt or debris by gently scrubbing them under running water. Once clean, pat them dry with a clean towel.

Now it’s time to slice the apples. You can use a sharp knife or an apple slicer to achieve uniform slices. Aim for slices that are about 1/4 inch thick. This thickness allows for even drying and ensures that the apples will dry out completely.

Preparing the Air Fryer

Person preparing the air fryer for drying apples by cleaning the basket placing parchment paper and adjusting temperature and time settings

Get your air fryer ready for drying apples by preheating it to the desired temperature. This step is crucial in ensuring that your apples dry evenly and efficiently.

Here are some tips to help you prepare your air fryer for this process:

  • Clean the air fryer thoroughly before use to remove any residue from previous cooking.
  • Place a parchment paper or silicone mat in the air fryer basket to prevent the apples from sticking.
  • Arrange the apple slices in a single layer to allow for proper airflow and even drying.

Using different fruits in the air fryer can yield delicious results. However, it’s important to note that the drying times may vary depending on the fruit’s moisture content and thickness of the slices.

Additionally, if you plan on air frying vegetables, make sure to cut them into uniform sizes to ensure even cooking.

Seasoning the Apples

Once your air fryer is preheated and ready, it’s time to season your apples for optimal flavor and delicious results.

There are various seasoning options available to enhance the taste of your dried apples. You can choose to sprinkle cinnamon and sugar for a classic and comforting flavor. The combination of cinnamon and sugar adds a warm and sweet taste to the apples.

Another option is to use a pinch of nutmeg and cloves for a slightly spicier flavor profile. These spices can give your dried apples a cozy and festive touch.

Additionally, a sprinkle of lemon juice can add a refreshing tanginess to the apples.

The benefits of seasoning your apples before drying them include adding depth and complexity to their taste, as well as creating a delightful aroma that fills your kitchen.

Experiment with different seasoning options to find your favorite flavor combination.

Air Frying the Apples

Slices of golden brown crispy apple arranged on an air fryer tray

To air fry the seasoned apples, place them in the preheated air fryer. Make sure to arrange them in a single layer to ensure even cooking.

Here are some air frying techniques to help you achieve perfectly dried apples:

  • Set the air fryer temperature to 135°F (57°C) for a low and slow drying process. This will help retain the flavor and nutrients of the apples.
  • Cook the apples for about 2 to 3 hours, flipping them halfway through. Keep an eye on them to prevent over-drying or burning.
  • If you prefer a crispier texture, you can increase the temperature to 160°F (71°C) and reduce the cooking time to 1 to 2 hours.

Flipping and Rotating the Apples

How often should you flip and rotate the apples while drying them in the air fryer?

Flipping and rotating the apples is crucial to prevent browning and achieve the perfect texture. To ensure even drying, you should flip the apple slices every 30 minutes and rotate them on the trays.

This will help to distribute the heat evenly and promote uniform drying. By flipping and rotating the apples, you prevent them from sticking to the tray and ensure that all sides are exposed to the hot air.

This method also helps to prevent any moisture buildup, which can lead to uneven drying and potential spoilage. So remember, don’t forget to regularly flip and rotate your apples for the best results in terms of preventing browning and achieving the perfect texture.

Our top 3 recommneded air fryer trays

Storing and Enjoying Your Dried Apples

Neatly arranged mason jar filled with vibrant thinly sliced dried apple rings sealed with a rustic handwritten label placed against a backdrop of autumn leaves and a cozy sunlit kitchen counter

To store and enjoy your dried apples, gather airtight containers or resealable bags. Proper storage is essential to maintain the flavor and texture of your dried apples. Here are some storing methods you can follow:

  • Cool and Dry Place: Store your dried apples in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. This will prevent moisture absorption and maintain their crispiness.

  • Airtight Containers: Transfer your dried apples to airtight containers to keep them fresh for a longer period. Make sure the containers are clean and dry before storing.

  • Refrigeration: If you live in a humid climate or want to extend the shelf life of your dried apples, you can store them in the refrigerator. Place them in a sealed container or resealable bag to prevent any moisture from getting in.

Aside from their delicious taste, dried apples also offer various health benefits. They’re a good source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. So, enjoy your homemade dried apples knowing that they not only taste great but also contribute to your overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Any Type of Apple to Dry in an Air Fryer?

You can use any type of apple to dry in an air fryer. Just make sure to choose firm apples like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp. Wash, core, and thinly slice them before air frying for best results.

How Do I Clean the Air Fryer After Drying Apples?

To properly clean and maintain your air fryer after drying apples, follow these tips for removing sticky residue. Start by unplugging the fryer and allowing it to cool. Then, remove the basket and wipe it down with warm, soapy water.

Can I Dry Apples With the Skin on in the Air Fryer?

Yes, you can dry apples with the skin on in the air fryer. Set the air fryer temperature to around 135°F and keep an eye on them to preserve their color.

How Long Do Dried Apples Last and How Should They Be Stored?

To properly store dried apples, keep them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Check for any signs of spoilage, such as mold or an off smell, before consuming.

Can I Use the Air Fryer to Dry Other Fruits Besides Apples?

You can definitely use the air fryer to dry other fruits besides apples. It’s a great alternative to a dehydrator for drying fruits. The best fruits for air fryer drying are ones that have high water content, like strawberries and mangoes.


In conclusion, drying apples in an air fryer is a simple and efficient way to preserve their natural flavors and create a healthy snack. By following the outlined steps, you can enjoy delicious dried apples that can be stored for future enjoyment.

For example, Sarah, a busy mom, used this method to make dried apple slices for her kids’ lunchboxes. They loved the sweet and crunchy snack, and Sarah was thrilled to have a convenient and nutritious option on hand.

Our top 3 recommneded healthy air fryers

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