
How Long Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts

Golden-brown Brussels sprouts perfectly caramelized and crispy, showcasing the exquisite results of air frying.

If you’re craving crispy, flavorful Brussel sprouts, look no further than your trusty air fryer. In just a matter of minutes, you can achieve that perfect golden-brown exterior and tender interior.

With the right cooking time and temperature, along with a few helpful tips, you’ll be enjoying a delicious and healthy side dish in no time.

So, grab your air fryer and get ready to elevate your Brussel sprouts game to a whole new level.

Cooking Time and Temperature for Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts

You should adjust the cooking time and temperature for your air fryer Brussels sprouts depending on their desired level of crispiness. Cooking time variations can make all the difference in achieving the perfect texture for your Brussels sprouts.

For a tender and slightly crispy result, preheat your air fryer to 375°F and cook the sprouts for about 12-15 minutes. If you prefer a more caramelized and crispy exterior, increase the temperature to 400°F and cook for 15-18 minutes. Remember to shake the basket halfway through to ensure even cooking.

Another cooking technique to consider is parboiling the Brussels sprouts for a few minutes before air frying them. This helps to soften them and reduce the overall cooking time, resulting in a quicker and more evenly cooked dish.

Experiment with these cooking time variations and techniques to find the best method that suits your taste preferences.

Tips for Crispy and Flavorful Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts

To achieve crispy and flavorful air fryer Brussels sprouts, it is important to follow these tips. First, make sure to trim and halve the Brussels sprouts for even cooking. This will also allow the air to circulate around each piece, resulting in a crispy texture. Next, toss the sprouts with a generous amount of oil and seasonings. The oil will help to promote browning and the seasonings will add flavor. Additionally, preheating the air fryer will ensure that the sprouts start cooking immediately and develop a crispy exterior. Lastly, consider incorporating different air fryer cooking techniques, such as shaking the basket halfway through cooking to promote even browning. If you’re looking for a change, you can also try alternative vegetable options like cauliflower or broccoli for a delicious and nutritious twist. Remember, these tips will help you achieve perfect air fryer Brussels sprouts every time.

Tips for Crispy and Flavorful Air Fryer Brussels Sprouts
1. Trim and halve the Brussels sprouts for even cooking
2. Toss with oil and seasonings for flavor and browning
3. Preheat the air fryer for immediate cooking
4. Try different air fryer cooking techniques
5. Consider alternative vegetable options

Experimenting With Different Seasonings for Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts

Plate of crispy, golden Brussels sprouts fresh out of the air fryer, beautifully seasoned with a variety of herbs and spices.

When trying out different seasonings for your air fryer Brussels sprouts, don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with various combinations of herbs and spices. The right seasoning can elevate the taste of your Brussels sprouts and take them from ordinary to extraordinary. Here are four delicious seasoning options to consider:

  1. Garlic and Parmesan: Toss your Brussels sprouts with minced garlic, grated Parmesan cheese, olive oil, salt, and pepper. This combination adds a savory and nutty flavor that pairs perfectly with the natural sweetness of the sprouts.

  2. Lemon and Herb: Squeeze fresh lemon juice over your Brussels sprouts and sprinkle them with a mixture of dried herbs such as thyme, rosemary, and oregano. The citrusy tang and aromatic herbs will brighten up the flavors.

  3. Smoky Paprika: Add a smoky kick to your Brussels sprouts by dusting them with smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper. This seasoning creates a delicious balance of heat and smokiness.

  4. Honey Mustard: Whisk together Dijon mustard, honey, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Coat your Brussels sprouts with this sweet and tangy glaze for a delightful flavor combination.

Preparing Brussel Sprouts for Air Frying: Cleaning and Trimming

To properly prepare your Brussels sprouts for air frying, start by rinsing them thoroughly and then trimming off any discolored or damaged outer leaves. Cleaning the sprouts is an essential step to remove any dirt or debris that may be present. Simply place the sprouts in a colander and rinse them under cold water, ensuring that each one is cleaned thoroughly. Once the sprouts are clean, it’s time to trim them. Different trimming techniques can be used depending on personal preference. Some people prefer to cut off the tough stem end of the sprout, while others prefer to leave it intact. Another option is to remove any loose leaves that may have fallen off during cleaning. Choose the method that works best for you and your recipe. Here is a table summarizing the cleaning and trimming methods for Brussels sprouts:

Cleaning MethodsTrimming Techniques
Rinse under cold waterCut off stem end
Leave stem intact
Remove loose leaves

Serving Suggestions and Pairings for Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts

A platter of golden-brown, crispy Air Fryer Brussels sprouts surrounded by vibrant roasted carrots, drizzled with tangy balsamic glaze, and garnished with fragrant thyme leaves.

You can enhance the flavor of your air fryer Brussels sprouts by serving them with a variety of delicious sauces and toppings. Here are four serving suggestions and flavor variations that will take your sprouts to the next level:

  1. Balsamic Glaze: Drizzle your air fryer Brussels sprouts with a tangy and sweet balsamic glaze. The rich flavors of the glaze will complement the earthiness of the sprouts perfectly.

  2. Parmesan Cheese: Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over your crispy Brussels sprouts for a savory and cheesy twist. The nutty and salty notes of the cheese will add depth to every bite.

  3. Honey Mustard Sauce: Dip your air fryer Brussels sprouts in a creamy honey mustard sauce. The combination of sweet honey and tangy mustard will create a delightful contrast of flavors.

  4. Garlic Butter: Toss your sprouts in melted garlic butter for a rich and aromatic coating. The buttery and garlicky goodness will elevate the taste of the sprouts to new heights.

With these serving suggestions and flavor variations, your air fryer Brussels sprouts will become a delectable and irresistible side dish.


In conclusion, air fryer Brussels sprouts are a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional frying methods. By following the recommended cooking time and temperature, as well as using the right seasonings, you can achieve crispy and flavorful sprouts every time.

Experimenting with different seasonings can add variety and excitement to your dish. Remember to properly clean and trim the sprouts before air frying for the best results.

Serve them as a side dish or incorporate them into your favorite recipes for a delightful addition to any meal.

Our top 3 recommneded air fryer recipes

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